Case Studies

“At, we provide a lot of advice for why a buyer should buy a particular saltwater disposal asset. We help facilitate those types of transactions. When any buyer is conducting due diligence, they want to know what the saltwater disposal well is doing currently. They want to know who the customers are and what opportunities there are to grow the business and drive more produced water volume to the facility.”
“Before subscribing to Sourcenergy, I was forced to use the Texas Railroad Commission website directly for my research. The process was archaic. It was extremely laborious and time consuming to go and pull each well individually, look at P-18 filings, and try to figure out where all operator leases were sending their water.”
“I literally could spend an entire month just conducting research on the water market: where all the water was coming from, who the customers were, and I would have to piece that all together to create my own custom map, chart and graphs. It killed me. It absolutely killed me. It was a nightmare to do this.”
“When Sourcenergy launched it’s produced water intelligence product and created the online platform it made things so much easier. I can’t even quantify how much time it saved me. It was a god send. I could do a week’s worth of work in an afternoon.”
“Sourcenergy easily helps a saltwater disposal buyer understand what opportunities exist and to determine how much water they may be able to add to each disposal system. This is very helpful, and you can’t do that on the Railroad Commission website. It is impossible. With Sourcenergy, I could do that with a couple of clicks. It would take me less than an hour to put together a report that would show me upside potential on deals or opportunities to go after oil producers to secure their business.”
“On Sourcenergy, I can quickly locate saltwater disposal, oil, and gas assets and see them on a map. Then, I can visually see where all of the operator clients are, where their producing oil and gas wells are, and identify opportunities for saltwater disposal companies to secure additional water volumes from wells that are producing within a five mile radius. With Sourcenergy, we can also identify potential pipeline targets. If you have a producing well within a 5 mile radius delivering water via truck to a competitor facilities 5-7 miles away, that would be an easy target to go after to supply a pipeline agreement with. We can identify these types of deals easily with Sourcenergy. Identifying those opportunities for my clients really help paint a picture of upside potential for buying SWDs.”
Kurt Knewitz, Owner

Before Shell began working with Sourcenergy they were trucking produced water over 200+ miles in the Marcellus from North East Pennsylvania to Ohio, while spending $8 per barrelon logistics costs.
After Shell signed up with Sourcenergy, they were able to reduce their hauling distance to 20 miles and find alternative disposal options including inter-operator trades.
“Sourcenergy connects us within the oil and gas community…I have found sources of water to recycle and buy that I didn’t know were available…saving real money.”
Matthew Alaniz, Shell Water Team Lead
Royal Dutch Shell PLC
“Recently, a client called me with an urgent problem. A frac had come to a halt because the crew had run out of water. The stakes were high. The frac crew was stuck and every day of no activity was costing hundreds of thousands in OPEX. In an effort to help my client secure the water they needed, I began contacting my network of water sellers but soon realized that all known water sources in the area were already dedicated to other oil and gas clients.”
“I turned to Sourcenergy for support. Within 30 minutes, a Customer Success Manager at Sourcenergy helped me quickly find new water sources I was not aware of and that I ultimately relied on to source the needed water for the frac. Sourcenergy saved the day including hundreds of thousands of dollars in OPEX. I made my client look like a hero and in the process, I delivered the results I guarantee. I couldn’t have done it without Sourcenergy that day. “
“The Sourcenergy platform has evolved to meet the specific needs of all water-related projects in the Permian Basin. I would highly encourage all water management groups to incorporate this resource.”
“The platform is pleasant to use, abundant with information and has evolved into, what I believe, is one of the most valuable technologies in today’s shale energy revolution.”
Vice President, Oilfield Service Company
“Sourcenergy’s water asset intelligence platform has provided a unique perspective in analyzing water production, making more efficient and advanced perspectives on water markets across the area’s in which we operate.”
Business Analyst, Oilfield Service Company